![1st day of school](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2547/3812492144_d01a2b7713.jpg)
I can't believe it has come and gone already! {Today was a short day, so we just got home from picking Preston up}
It really started to hit me last night as I was tucking Preston in bed and he said,
"Mom, I hope I don't get in trouble on the first day of kindergarten, because I don't know the kindergarten rules."
![1st day of school](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2595/3811675001_bc256229e6.jpg)
At least he was thinking about the rules! I was probably more nervous about his first day than he was. He was just looking forward to seeing his buddies and having fun and I was more concerned about him learning a new routine and things like lunch and p.e.
![1st day of school](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2620/3812492880_2a4d6761eb.jpg)
This morning we had a great conversation at breakfast.
Mom: What do you think your favorite part of kindergarten will be?
P: I already told you.
Mom: Well I forgot so please tell me again.
P: Having two recesses!
Mom: Do you think you will like gym and music class?
P: Probably
Mom: Are you excited to see your friends?
P: Yeah
Mom: Did you remember Jasper will be in your class this year?
P: (with huge grin) Oh yeah! (Then puts his hand up) Wait just a minute. I think Tucker and Jasper are best friends because they were just playing together at the park.
Mom: Well, you will get to see Kirsten and she's your best friend isn't she?
P: Yes!
So, then we proceeded to finish getting ready and taking the obligatory 1st day of school pictures. Then headed off to the high school to get on the bus. We still didn't know what bus Preston was riding, so I went in with him to get it sorted out and that's when he started to get a little bit nervous. He didn't really remember that part from his first year of preschool and there were a lot of big kids there that he didn't know.
And I felt bad for him because he kept telling me, "I feel stupid carrying this pillow around." (Yes, a pillow was part of the school supply list.) The time finally came when they called his bus and he was clearly nervous about heading out on his own, so I walked with him.
![1st day of school](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3531/3811677287_dfec325c19.jpg)
That's when mom started to get a little emotional about the whole going to kindergarten thing. I thought I would be fine since he has been to preschool for 2 years, but there is just something different about going to "real" school!
![1st day of school](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2633/3812494166_1b21962e66.jpg)
When we picked him up after school and he told me that his first day was, "good."
Then he told me that I lied! WHAT?! I immediately set out to find out just what I had lied about....turns out it was lunch!
The menu for today said cheeseburgers and Preston doesn't like cheeseburgers, but he does like hamburgers. So I told him that the cheese probably came on the side and that he wouldn't have to eat it if he didn't want to. And that he could take the bun off also. Apparently, they don't put the cheese on the side and it was too stuck on for him to take off. He did say that he ate about half of it....this mom is proud of him for just going for it and doing something outside his comfort zone. I can promise you that he would NOT have done such a thing at home!
Overall I would say it was a successful first day! Now, hopefully the rest of the week will play out the same way!
He is getting to be so grown up...time does fly!!!
I am so impressed you feed your kids breakfast!
P.S. And I'm glad the first day went well!
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