A couple of weeks ago, right after Thanksgiving, we got our tree put up and let the kids go to town one Saturday morning decorating it!

We bought some new shatterproof ornaments this year to try and prevent Westynn from destroying too many of them. So that meant that each bulb had to have a hanger attached before it could go up on the tree.

Cambree Jane got pretty clever and decided to fix up several ornaments at a time and take them to the tree...much faster than one at a time!

Monkey see, monkey do...

Westynn was quite entertained with the packaging from the ornaments...

...for a few minutes at least!

When all was said and done, we ended up with a pretty delightful tree!

And I even got to hear a Christmas carol...Jingle Bells I believe it was!

Cami enjoyed this post very much. .There's Westynn Cole she said :-) You are braver than I. .I don't mind cooking with kids. .but I mind very much decorating the tree with them. .haha!! Love the new non-breakable ornaments. .we have some too. .perfect!!
Ok...the second pic, the one of Cambree, looks just like a little version of you! Wow...like mother like daughter. Spitting image! Love the tree...looks beautiful!!! :)
Cute Cute!! The tree is too, btw! ;) Those are really pretty bulbs!
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