
Russ & Cami

The older I get, the more appreciation I have for my brother. He has turned into quite the craftsman, building most anything he can dream up. Russ also grew into the role of "Uncle" quite well. I think it was hard for him at first. 8 years ago he was still in college, living the good life, and it's hard to see the value in your sister's measly family at that stage in life. But now, several years and a niece and 2 nephews later, he has grown up into Uncle Russ.


My kids adore him! He wrestles with them, plays the Wii with them, reads to them and is just plain SILLY! That's the best part of being an aunt or an uncle...you get to be the silly one and not always have to be responsible and a "meanie."

He does spontaneous things, like take them home from our Annual Frazier Thanksgiving in "Miss Daisy" (aka my parents mid-life crisis car)


That girl in the front seat...that's Cami. She is Russ's girlfriend and not only do I adore her, but so do the kids. She is a wonderful person and is as beautiful inside as she is outside. I sure hope she sticks around (hint, hint RUSS!!)



mom said...

aaahheemmm...that would be Jene's car Miss Daisy... I have yet to have my crisis...I too cherish Uncle Russ and deem Miss Cami... family worthy....hint hint Uncle Russ...yep i love both my kids...and geez they are both so lucky and don't even know it....

Becky said...

Aunts and Uncles ROCK! I have several I still adore to this day and being around them immediately make me feel like I'm 8 again! ;) And I LOVE being an Aunt! So much fun!!