
Christmas Questions ~ Day 17

Do you remember a favorite/memorable gift?

I'm really horrible with things like this...my memories from childhood are so vague! But my memories as a mom are singed in my files!  So, I'll share my favorite (or most memorable gift) as a wife/mom.  The first Christmas after Preston was born there was a shirt box size gift for me under the tree.  I'm a snooper and I had shook, squeezed, sniffed...all in order to be convinced that Jeremy had indeed purchased me a sweater for Christmas.  I agonized for hours, practicing my surprise face, wondering what on earth it would look like.

Christmas morning came and I had my game face ON!!  I was ready for the sweater.  Only when I opened the box it was full of PAPER TOWELS!! What the heck?? Was he trying to imply that I needed to do more cleaning?!  At the bottom was a tiny gray box...the kind with diamond stud earrings in it!!  SCORE!  I had given him a really hard time after Preston was born because there was no big gift to commemorate the day.  Apparently, he thought the little baby was gift enough, lol!  Anyways, he came through at Christmas...and has since learned I'm a snooper.  His mom does most of his shopping now...or I just do it myself!!  I really need to learn to let him have more control of this area...HOWEVER I do know that this year I would have gotten Muck boots...Ummmm, not exactly on my list!!  I guess, once again, he thinks I'm not working hard enough!!


Unknown said...

The Christmas before Jackson was born, Toby surprised me with a necklace with our birthstones in it, and said, "it has room for the baby's birthstone to go in it too..." Now, it awaits Reed's birthstone too.

Robin Allen said...

My all time favorite...the year I got plane tickets from russ to fly from Dublin to Paris for 3 days....I still consider it all the TRIP OF MY LIFE....