I know...you are SHOCKED!! Being behind seems to be the story of my life...oh well!
So I made a few photo collages to recap the events of our month.
We started out trying to get a handle on a tiny problem with one of the bedrooms in the basement flooding each time it rained. Granted, it doesn't rain all that often, but when it did, we would soak 3-4 towels every half hour...definitely a problem!! The solution, or partial solution, was to dig up my front flower bed and pour more concrete down along the foundation. We have yet to see if that worked, but it did eliminate all the hard work I put into getting that flower bed established this year. Jeremy was kind enough to transplant my salvia to another temporary location and we are hoping it will survive the winter and be ready for it's home again in spring!! We also enjoyed some biscuit donuts for National Donut Day!! It was just one of the random things that I came across in all my reading and thought the kids would enjoy it....and boy did we!
![Nov collage](http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2807/11971235824_e75aaa7854_c.jpg)
FYI: Biscuit donuts are just canned biscuits that you fry up in oil and then cover with cinnamon/sugar or powdered sugar glaze! We love them both ways!!
We also got to attend Jordyn's 5th birthday party in Stillwater!! It's only the 3rd birthday of hers we've been able to go to, so we are sure glad that from now on they are so much closer. She had a cheerleading party and one of the H.S. girls came out and taught them a cheer. For some reason the little girls were so SHY...don't know what that was all about. While the girls cheered, the boys had a grand time running and scooting down the steep drive. At one point we thought Westynn was going head first into a trailer, but Jeremy or Rod stepped in and caught him, but I can't remember who it was. It was a fun party!!
![Jordyn Bday Collage](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3833/11971114343_4ba38182a3_c.jpg)
The final highlight of November was getting to put the finishing touches on our Operation Christmas Child project at church. This is a project that I head up and one that the kids and I have become very excited about over the past several years!! It's so much fun to shop and assemble the boxes. If you don't know what I'm talking about you can go the the Samaritan's Purse website to find out more. Warning though, once you start packing boxes, you won't want to stop!! This is the first year that the kids have been this involved in the whole process. I even made them make out lists before we headed to town.
![OCC collage](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3678/11970829095_1b6feae4c7_c.jpg)
We also managed to get a few cattle worked. I also enjoy it when the kids are able to "help" us!! They usually don't last the entire time, especially if Grandma is home, but they always make it more fun. That and more stressful, because I have three more things to keep my eye on and make sure they don't sneak off to places they shouldn't be!
![working cattle collage](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3822/11971181665_7a83f37e5b_c.jpg)
For Thanksgiving we headed down to Ardmore to spend a couple of days with my Dad and his side of the family. We enjoyed a traditional meal at my Grandma's and then as tradition would have it, we all set up her Christmas decorations in her yard. This is clearly the woman that I got my love of Christmas from!! She didn't get them out this year, but she also has boxes and boxes of Christmas villages that she puts up inside. She said she just didn't have the energy to do it this year :( I haven't gotten to help too many years with the outdoor decorations, but it was fun and we always seem to have a few good laughs!! This year's favorite might have been when Russ dug a bird's nest out of the breaker box...can you say fire hazard?!!
![Thanksgiving collage](http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5489/11971584544_030d7fea70_c.jpg)
Decembers recap is next!!
I can not see your photos....why oh why????
I think I got it fixed now!
Now..that is a ton of Christmas Inflatables! Love it!!! :)
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