That's right, I am a Texan by birth!
My parents lived in Amherst, Texas on May 29th 1981. Amherst is where my Great-Great Grandmother, Bertha Thompson, my Great-Grandparents Joe & Hattie Brandstatt, my Great Aunt, Marie Sawyer, my Great Aunt and Uncle, Marilyn and Glynn Brandstatt and numerous cousins lived {and some of them still live today}.
Here's the Google version of where Amherst is:
View Larger Map
It's in the panhandle of Texas...about a 6 hour drive from Coldwater.
Each year on the last weekend of July the town has a "celebration" and my family has sort of adopted this time as our own little family reunion. It has been so much fun getting re-acquainted with my Dad's side of the family and introducing them to my kids. The last time we went Cambree was about Westynn's age. I sure hope it isn't that long before we are back again!!
I am going to keep the rest of this post relatively short because it is HEAVY on pictures!
Preston and Gavin (Clinton and Connie's middle son) on their bikes ready for the parade!
Me and Westynn hanging out on Main Street waiting for the parade to start!My Brodie and his girl, Krisit! They are getting is it that my cousins are old enough to be getting married?
Biker babe in the parade!! She rocked it riding with Papa Rusty in the big parade.
My Great Uncle Glynn Brandstatt. My Grandma Betty's brother.
Here come's Preston!
Westynn caught a ball from the cheerleaders parade float...he was THRILLED!!
Me and the girl!!
The boys crashed our photo...only to give goofy grins!
Jeremy and I...Cambree took this!
Westynn thinks he is one HOT SHOT sitting on the tractor for the tractor pull.
There she goes pulling with all her might!
Preston pulled and pulled.....until the upped the weight to 80 lbs....almost double his size!
Papa Rusty and the two big kids!
I got caught busting a move on the volleyball court. I am sure our losing had NOTHING to do with the fact that I spent more time dancing that playing :).
Brodie tickled Cambree until she was red in the face....and she LOVED every minute of it! This girls loves those Reed boys!
A secret with Noah!
Papa Rust serves it up at volleyball.
Grandma Betty got all tuckered out from riding the Class of '51-'52 float in the parade!
Cambree loves Larry!
Noah digs into the dish where all the ice cream paddles were placed! I didn't think we were going to get him out of there!
Mmmmm! That's good ice cream!
It was a FAB.U.LOUS weekend and I am already looking forward to next year!
Those small town celebrations are the best! Looks like you guys had a great time!
Looks like some really fun times - thanks for sharing!
So fun! You can't beat a good hometown parade! I wish you would have provided a video clip of your dancing! :)
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