

 This year as a Kindergartner, Cambree got to attend the Mini Cheer Camp put on by the SCHS Cheerleaders and their awesome Coaches, AJ and Jaymi.

Cambree was SO excited to go and had her suitcase packed and ready to go early that week.  Camp started Thursday evening at 6:00 and lasted until Friday at noon.  They got to spend the night at the high school...VERY COOL!

Proud to be a FUTURE Timberwolf Cheerleader!!

 Friday when it was time for the parents to pick up the girls, we met them at the football field and they put on a little exhibition for us.  You could tell there were some VERY tired girls out there!  There's Cambree's friend and classmate, Molly, in the pink!

I don't remember what they were yelling...something about feet together, hands at your sides...but it was so funny to watch these little girls yelling for all they are worth.  ADORABLE!

Later that night at the High School football game, the girls got dressed in their matching outfits and put on one of the best halftime shows I have ever seen!  They divided the girls into two smaller groups and each group learned 2 chants and a routine and the entire group of 50+ girls did a group cheer together.

My pictures from that night didn't turn out superb...blurry a lot of them because it was so dark and they were moving so fast.  I do have a little video, but I haven't gotten it put on YouTube yet.

During the first half of the game, the girls all sat together in the stands.  Here's Cambree and her 1st grade BFF, Kailey!  Sweet girls...even if Kailey is a burnt orange fan!!

How is it possible that MY daughter is now old enough to attend the Cheer Camp that I used to help with as a CHS cheerleader?  Another one of those things that makes my heart smile!!!!!!!


Melanie said...

The halftime performance was really cute, as always. .and I have a little girl just waiting her turn to get a chance to be there too. .I know it won't be long!

Rhonda said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

Becky said...

Fun! I bet she was so happy it was FINALLY her turn! Loved the picture with her and the t-wolf!

Anonymous said...

this is a precious post about mini cheercamp for mini-you :) I hope she maintains her kind cheerful spirit throughout her years in school...adorable photos of her and her bff...dang these kids are growing up on me...

grandma robin said...

the above comment is from me.....