
Weekend from Hell....

that's easily how our weekend can be described. If you can imagine it being much worse than the "Oh Deer" weekend that is!

Started off Friday evening about 6:30. Went to pick the kiddos up from mom's house and Preston was in the chair with her and had an ice pack on his head. Before I left them there he told me he had a headache, but I thought he was messing with me, so I went ahead and left him there and came back an hour later to the above described scene. I told myself if was no big deal, I would give him some Tylenol and life would be back to normal by morning. I have to admit I even a little selfishly thought, "Sweet, he will be asleep early and I will have some time to myself!" HAH! HAH!!! That must have been the point when God laughed out loud and said to himself..."i'll show her." Most of the night was spent in Preston's room, checking his temperature, getting him a drink, covers on, covers off, he hurt, he was scared....he didn't sleep well, I hardly slept at all! Saturday and Sunday were followed by more of the same. This morning we woke up around 3:00, burning up, but not wanting any medicine. He was managing to get some sleep, so I didn't worry about it too much. I thought it would be much easier to fight the medicine monster in the morning. Around 6:00 he and I were both awake and it was quite obvious that he was miserable, so I took his temp and it read 104.7...the highest yet. I put him in the tub and set out for the motrin. He actually took this dose relatively easy because I told him that I would have to take him to the hospital if he refused to take it. So I take a shower and get myself ready, because I have decided that he is going to the clinic today and I AM going to find out what is going on. Call the clinic, talk to nurse, she calls back with information that dr. has just been paged to deliver baby and hopefully she will get back to me by noon! WHAT?! Are you kidding me? I will never make it until noon. Second nurse call back at 9:00, P.A. has a cancellation at 10:45 if we would like to be there. I say, yes we'll take it and call Jeremy. J comes home to go with us (we know there will be drama at hospital) and Preston bounces up off couch and starts acting the most like himself he has all weekend. J & I debate about what to do now...take him and have clinic staff look at us like complete idiots or stay home and hope and pray that this thing has finally ceased and we are going to make it. Preston catches wind of the upcoming road trip and starts to talk about where we are going to eat.

Okay, so now in my mind I am thinking this kid is definitely better, cause he hasn't eaten in 3 days and now wants to. Gotta be getting better. So after much deliberation on the part of the parents and much demand on Preston's part that he isn't feeling better and needs to be looked at and oh yeah, did you say we could eat at KFC mom? (Little toot!) We call clinic back and tell them that we think the fever has broken and we are going to ride it out. I am so thankful, because I am exhausted and could really use a nap this afternoon. So we have lunch and everyone settles in for a nap (except J who reminded me that he has to go back to work to earn some more money!) BTW, did I mention that he got a complete night's sleep last night and was mad that I woke him up at 6:00 to consult about Preston's temp....my patience is getting thin about now! Anyhooo....kids fall asleep and I settle in on the couch for some much needed and deserved zzzz's. Preston wakes up only a mere 20 minutes into his nap and I know that you can guess what is coming.....

Yep, fever is back and he is acting like he is on his death bed again. I force him to take more medicine, put him in the tub and then tell him that he MUST go to sleep. Which fortunately for all of us, he is sleeping sweetly right now. I feel like a complete moron of a mother right now....should I have went ahead and taken him this morning to the clinic and had them treat me like I am crazy, did I do the right thing staying home, does he have a 'bug' or is this something more serious and I am not near concerned enough....I am about to lose my mind here! I actually think I may be losing my mind, because the days are all starting to seem to run together and I can't even think straight to determine a plan of action. All I can hope for at this point is that we all make it out alive!

Oh, and what makes this little drama even more intriguing from my standpoint is that I am supposed to start school on Wednesday, subbing for the 1st grade teacher on maternity leave! Can you imagine what my principal is going to say when I call and say that I can't make it on the first day of school? I might as well start digging the hole that I will want to crawl into now. Matter of fact, I think I will start that tonight while I am up all night once again monitoring Preston. Might as well make good use of the time and get in some of that exercise I was talking about last time!

Okay, enough already. If you have read to this point I commend you and have to say that I am a little suprised...I don't know if I would have made it through all of this. Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Preston is feeling better ~ I have had my Ashlind in the clinic with the nurse and had him say, "I feel good, I was just kidding about my tummy hurting."

If you make it to school tomorrow ... good luck!
