This is my favorite picture from our day. Westynn looking at me and wondering what in the world we are singing for and why there is fire in his breakfast, LOL!
Tears...a first for me on a birthday.
There is just something about your very last child getting older. It makes me cry.
This is the VERY last first birthday we will celebrate in our house.
The days of rocking someone to sleep and kissing their head and smelling their freshly bathed goodness are slowly fading away. And once they are gone, they are gone forever this time.
The baby giggles and babbling and night time teething episodes...dwindling away right before my eyes.
Wiggly diaper changes will soon turn to potty training and accidents.
The highchair will become a booster seat all too soon.
My baby is growing up and I am so excited for him! I can't wait to watch him learn new things and to watch him become a little boy. But at the same time I am grieving for what I am losing as a mother. It's silly I know, but I just can't help it.
I am planning a wet-n-wild first birthday party for this little munchkin next weekend and I can't wait to share it all with you.
Dear Westynn,
Although I am a little sad that you are growing up I am also so very happy to watch you grow. You are getting such a fun personality. I absolutely LOVE it when we play on the floor when I get home from work. Your bulldozing techniques are phenomenal for your age and your giggles when you push me down do wonders for my heart. I can't imagine my life without you. God most definitely knew what he was doing when he blessed us with you. This past year has gone by way too fast and I am not looking forward to the next few passing by either. If it were up to me I would keep you my baby forever, but I know that you need spread your wings. Just promise me that you will always be MY boy! Happy First Birthday my sweet Westynn!
Love Always,
Not to ruin your day, but Bill Milligan told me when I was upset that my first baby was turning 2 "I know, and in two more years he will be turning 21" And so it seems!! Enjoy his day--and then I hear lots of people say how much fun grandkids are--so I think that is God's reward to us!!
Happy Birthday to Westynn! =-)
Happy Birthday Westynn! Wow...the year has flown by!!! See you next weekend! :)
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