
Around the Ranch

Life has just been the everyday, normal sort of things lately!

And I am trying to SOAK it up before summer hits and I get overwhelmed {I can see that on the horizon...someone should warn Jeremy!}

Last month Papa Jene started building us a playhouse/swingset.

But, since then the weather has NOT been cooperative. However, we did make a little progress and here's what it looks like now.


Grandma Janis had a BIG birthday and they went to Houston to celebrate with Janelle and her family, so we took dessert and a gift down once they got home. {Grandma Janis will KILL me if she finds out I posted this...heehee}


The big kids had their Spring Program at school.




The kids and I went to Oklahoma to visit our friends the Barlow's. We went downtown with them while they got their gear for the OKC marathon and while we were walking around we found the Sonic Slushy!


What's funny about that picture is that they lined up in age...and we didn't even tell them to..HA!

Harper had her first communion the next morning.


And here's what we did to try and keep 3 kids quiet for an hour while we waited....


When we got home from OK, I convinced Jeremy to help me drag this old washing machine out of the pasture. Yes, you heard correctly...the pasture! Why people throw their junk in fields and pastures is beyond me, but I'm sure glad they do. It has since gotten the motor removed and been placed in my front flower beds. I am envisioning it with lots of Wave petunias growing out of it this summer!!  It's hard to tell, but it is enamel and a really pretty turquoise color....you'll just have to come out and see it for yourself!


Art projects and video games while the kids were home from school one day.



I love my paint basket!!


The great thing about small towns is that when the bank sends you statements about your cd's, they also send your kids fun treats...like pink mustaches!!


This might get printed and framed, because it just cracks me up!! Her face....

These three ladies were not too happy with me.


They thought I should be letting them eat the yummy hay bale that I had on the back of my truck instead of just taking pictures of them. She agreed...


{This is when my mom would have freaked out!!}

We just smiled and drove on!


Preston had Invention Convention at school.


Westynn "helped" make cookies.



Preston and Jeremy got turkey's on their first night out...a repeat from last year!



Cambree, Mom and I went to our annual Frazier Family Mother-Daughter Tea. My great-aunt Margaret Patee hosted this year in Beaver Oklahoma and we had a Patriotic Picnic theme.



It was WINDY!! So, don't look too closely at our hair...oh my goodness it was bad!

Then Mindy showed us how to pose like sorority girls! Apparently this makes your hair look longer and your body look slimmer. Look for this pose in our group photo next year!!


And FINALLY...let me introduce you to the three newest members of our family!

Meet Crystal

Meet Thunder

Meet Lightning

Aren't they the most adorable little kittens you have ever seen? My friend Gail had a litter of kittens a few months ago and Cambree had asked her if she could have one. Well, before it got big enough to come home with us, it had an untimely death. So, she has been patiently waiting for another litter. And just after spring break, Gail called to tell us that Wilson had another litter and we could have first pick when it was time.


Sunday was the day! We stopped by the farm on the way home and picked out our kittens. Each kid picked their own and Jeremy and I were quickly talking about how each kid chose a cat so similar in personality to themselves.

Crystal is the boss. She is always the first to eat, the most confident and doesn't shy away from anything....even our giant dog!!

Thunder {Preston} is very un-thunderlike! He waits at the back for the others to go first. Snuggles up to the others and is fine boned. Oh, he also picks on Crystal!

Lightning {Westynn} is bigger bodied and somewhat of a bully! He does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He's the scratcher :)

Whew that was a LONG post, but really that was over a month's worth of activities!! And I am not even going to pretend like the next couple of months will be better. Starting next week our calendar gets very FULL and we have a lot going on until the end of June. But, it's all fun stuff and stuff that will hopefully keep summer from being TOO boring.


Becky said...

Ok, first of all..THAT old washer is AMAZING!!!! I LOVE IT!
I'll have to show Jacob the pictures of the turkeys! He is determined to get one this year!!
Love the playhouse!
And LOVE the kitties!! And their descriptions! ;)

Rhonda said...

Enjoyed your post! That's a lot of goin's-on, but had fun seeing the pictures. I had to laugh at the "sorority pose" and the look on Westynn's kitten's face. Also, that old washer was TOO COOL. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa said...

Love the playhouse!!! We can't wait to come to play on it and meet your new kitties! Thanks again for coming to visit. We had a BLAST!!!