
February 2014

The most exciting thing that happened in February, aside from Cambree's birthday party {which will be a separate post}, was the fact that we got our trip to Disney World BOOKED!!


We're not going until September, but we are SUPER excited to have gotten all the arrangements made!!

We went to Wichita and shopped for a new sofa.



I guess you could say the kids didn't have the greatest time! But then the day was redeemed when we witnessed this as we were waiting our turn to load.


Had we thought that putting a sofa on top of an SUV was acceptable we would have taken the Suburban instead of the feed pickup. Not only did they have this beast on top, but the back hatch was tied down to accommodate some other unidentified piece of furniture. We are clearly inexperienced furniture buyers. This provided us with lots of laughs!

Jeremy helped me fill up some wall space.


This wall looks so bare in this picture! I can't believe I went without these shelves for 2 years!!

Can you guess whose legs these are? Westynn got my phone while it was on the charger by my bed and I bet I had about 25 pictures similar to this one. STINKER!


The kids got all bundled up to play in a little bit of snow. TOO cold for Mom, so I simply took their picture before I sent them out :)




At the beginning of the month we went to Stillwater to see Aunt Janelle and Uncle Jeff's new house for the first time. You would have thought the 3.5 hours was just as long as the 11+ hours it used to take to get to Houston.




Jeff and Jordyn were all dressed up and ready to go to a Daddy-Daughter dance that night. They sure are a good looking couple and it sounds like they had a great time.


Aunt Janelle let us fix ice cream sundaes one night after baths. I think the Reddi Whip was the favorite part :)




We helped Papa Rodney celebrate his birthday.


{I don't think there are enough candles on that cake!}

And then there was THIS!!!


Yes, that is the corner of a Dorito! AND THOSE ARE BABY MICE THAT I FOUND IN MY CAR!!!!!

Long story short, a mouse had gotten in Westynn's carseat while it was in the garage and then I put it in the car and it gave BIRTH in there! I ALMOST GRABBED THESE THINGS....OH MY GOSH! Still creeps me out to this day!


That mama mouse didn't want to come out of the seat very bad. That shovel, murder weapon. Or self-defense depending on how you view mice. I had no remorse, Jeremy felt bad. Life goes on!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YUCK!!!! I had one eat my seatbelt...