These are just a few random pictures that make me smile!
{cannot be left alone!! notice the GiANT eye on the TV in the background...creepy!}
{metal detecting one evening after school. we didn't find any GOLD, but we found a couple shell casings and a dead deer in the creek!!}
{Burger King before the OU/KU game...which OU won!!}
{planning for our tree row...we will have 40 Thuga Green Giants to plant in about a month...this makes me VERY happy!}
{new babies on the ranch}
{a funny birthday card for Papa Rod}
These make ME smile too!! =)
Tristen is very into metal detecting also! Its a fun hobby! One of his favorite finds was an old toy gun he found in the tree row at the farm. We are heading to the the beach this summer for a short trip, and he's really excited about taking it and digging in the sand!
I think you will love those thuja trees. .we looked into them a few years ago but Jeremy just decided to use the red cedars he could get from the extension office. .hoping that this will be the summer to start vegetation like that!!
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